A Pine Martin is a type of animal that lives in North America, Europe and Asia.
Pine Martins are known for their thick, soft fur that they can turn into a winter coat or blanket.
Their eyes have a golden-yellow colour to them and the size of their round ears makes up for half of its head measures.
They also have a sense of smell five times stronger than any other animal which is why they mainly live underground.
If you ever catch a glimpse at one though you will notice how big they really are as they have been known to be twice the size of house cats! They grow up to 1 metre long from nose to tail with an average weight of about 8kgs... thats more than most dogs! On average they can live up to 12 years in the wilderness.
Pine Martins are generally nocturnal which means they are more active at night time, but that doesn't mean you won't see them around in the day time! They will only come out at dark when the rest of their animal prey is hiding underground or asleep so it gives them a better chance to catch what food there is.