A Rock Hyrax is a species of mammal found in Africa. Like all mammals, the Rock Hyrax has some specific characteristics that separate it from other animals. It is a mammal because it gives live birth and feeds its baby milk and produces body heat for them to survive. The baby can stand on their own after just 36 hours of being born and hunt for themselves within 4 weeks.
They are diurnal, which means that they are active during the day time instead of at night when hunting or running away from dangers. Their teeth help them chew food into small pieces that are easy to digest when eating plants, insects, rodents or fish. Their long tails help them balance themselves when running from predators and also helps them steer while swimming.
Rock Hyrax has short legs with five toes on each foot and sharp claws to climb trees, rocks and termite mounds .
Their fur is usually reddish brown or grayish in colour and becomes paler in the winter seasons and becomes darker when it grows back again in spring. The Procavia capensis may live up to 20 years in captivity but most of them die earlier due to factors such as predation, accidents with vehicles, diseases or natural disasters like flooding, drought or heat waves