The Pronghorn is a small deer-like animal that is native to North America.
Pronghorns have a tan coat with white chests and bellies, both male and female Pronghorns have horns made out of bone which is referred to as antlers however aren't used for hunting like other types of deer, only males grow antlers.
They can run faster than any other land mammal at speeds up to 80 mph for short distances and they can run on 2, though most often they will just run on all 4 of their legs.
Their bodies are built for running, they have long skinny legs that help them perform swift maneuvers to dodge potential predators quickly and their hooves are hard which act as natural cleats allowing them to gain traction when running whereas other animals would slide around on the ground. When Pronghorns feel threatened they will attempt to out-run their predator if they can't they pose little threat or defence so they'll likely just come face first with the predator. The only drawback about being able to run this fast is that it takes a lot out of them, even after chasing down prey at top speeds Pronghorns need to spend an hour or two resting before beginning another hunt.