A Dama Gazelle is a type of antelope that can be found in Northern Africa. While it's not an incredibly majestic animal, it does have some pretty amazing features. Dama Gazelles are less than three feet long, and don't weigh more than eighty pounds or so. Despite being so small, the dama gazelle has incredible reflexes! They are able to turn their heads nearly all the way around to look behind them without moving their bodies at all!
Dama gazelles also have a very interesting life style since they are part of what is known as a "polyandrous society". This means that one female will mate with several males during mating season. One female might end up with four or five different baby damas from several different males.
Dama gazelles are critically endangered, since there are less than 10,000 of them left in the wild. However, on the bright side, their populations are on the rise because they have been well protected from poachers and hunters. In fact, as a result of these efforts their numbers have doubled over the last decade.
The dama gazelle has been described as one of those "too-cute-for-its-own good" creatures by National Geographic's Facebook fans! It is a unique animal that I'm sure you will enjoy learning about!