A Fisher is a member of the Mustelid family, which is made up of weasels, otters and badgers. Fisher or more commonly known as the mountain beaver was believed to have gone extinct in 1924 however this animal has since been rediscovered in the North Cascades mountains of Washington state.
A male can weigh up to 6kg (13lb) where-as female's tend to only get up 4kg (9lb). They are about half a metre long, with short legs and rounded ears. This animal lives permanently underground so does not need big ears for hearing above ground like many other rodents do. The coat of this animal tends to vary depending on the seasons, it has brownish grey fur in the summer but turns lighter in the winter.
Fisher are omnivores, they eat both animal and plant matter. They are most active during dawn and dusk when their prey tends to come out to forage for food.
This animal has thick fur all over its body helping it stay warm through out the seasons. They use their powerful claws to dig extensive burrow systems where they may spend 10-11 months of each year hibernating, though they do not truly sleep during their long winters nap! When this animal does wake up from hibernation it will only last about 2 weeks before mating season starts again