A Dromedary Camel is very similar to the Bactrian Camel. A Dromedary Camel can live in very dry, hot conditions where there is little food or water for long periods of time.
A Dromedary Camel has one hump on its back while a Bactrian Camel has two humps. The Dromedary's hump stores fat, not water like the Bactrians'! This fat is used as energy when they need it most.
The average life span of a Dromedary camel is 25-30 years. Unlike other animals, their body temperature adapts with the weather outside - if it's cold they allow their temperature to drop slightly and if it's hot they allow their temperatures to rise slightly so that they don't use as much energy to keep themselves cool.
A Dromedary Camel's voice sounds similar to a donkey - they have a unique sound called a hee-haw! Their call is very loud and can be heard up to 5 miles away! They also snort, grunt and spit just like their Bactrian cousins.
When it is hot outside, the Dromedary's body temperature rises but when the humidity reaches more than 70%, they are unable to release heat through panting because the air is already saturated with water. If this happens, they will start breathing rapidly through an open mouth in order to evaporate moisture from their mucus membranes which will cool them down.